Rules:. *Record a 5-10 minute talk(Audio only) about any topic related to Position Exchange.

02 Mar 2023, 06:55
Rules: *Record a 5-10 minute talk(Audio only) about any topic related to Position Exchange *Send the recording to your local admin in March 4-7 *Local admins select 3 or 5 candidates from each community and send us their list for the final round *Finalists participate in a live talk on our Discord server's stage, with each participant given a time schedule to go live and talk about our project in their own language or English language (8-10 March). The finalists can choose to go live with voice only or both voice and visual. They also can use share screen for any visuals/Docs,... they wish to share during the talk. *5 Winners will be selected by the event committee and admins Recommended Resources: CoinMarketCap article: Yahoo Finance article: Position Exchange forum: Position Exchange website: You have plenty of time to prepare a quality talk to impress the admins. Take your time, read the recommended articles and record your voice and send it to your admin in the mentioned time period. Good Luck everyone (edited)